By 22, you should…..

Remember when we were in middle school and it was “cute” to play dumb? (Actually I think some people mistakenly believe it still is.) That one TV show, The Simple Life, revolved around Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. The girls would ask what Wal Mart was and we would laugh at their adorable stupidity. Then this trend took off and instantly a nation of girls thought it was funny and adorable to play the airhead role. Granted at 13, we make many questionable decisions (gaucho pants, blue tinted sunglasses, bangs, etc.) But I would hope that by 22 we would start to realize that ignorance or idiocy (feigned or not) has long lost its place in our character.

Next month I will celebrate my 22nd birthday (refrain from any T-Swift reference please.) And then its just a couple short months until I’m a college graduate. A full-on “grown up.” There are certain things a self-sufficient member of society ought to be able to do.

By the time you turn 22 (

  • Budget. And by budget, I mean prioritize purchasing necessities over random splurges. If you habitually pick up a coffee or a latte but can’t seem to afford your own paper towels or shampoo…it’s time to reevaluate. In a couple months, you will be done with college (or maybe you already are). You can no longer use the excuse ‘broke college student’. If you’re broke, it’s because you don’t know how to budget or prioritize. No one likes that one friend who’s constantly mooching off their stuff, asking for favors and never offering anything in return.Iced Coffee on the beach (
  • Paint your own nails. I’m still working on this one! I was spoiled growing up, and I didn’t start painting my own nails until freshman year of college. Manicured hands make a difference in your overall appearance though, so I’ll stick with the pale colors for now ;)
  • Iron your clothes. None of my friends even own an iron, and judging by the wrinkled polo’s and mussed crop tops, I would say neither does the rest of campus. (It should also be stated that leggings are not pants, and ironing said leggings will not make them pants.) Ironing your clothes is important for your appearance; wrinkles look sloppy. You can’t get away with the sloppy look outside of Sociology 101.
  • End the texting games. I know a girl who is on her phone 24/7, yet she has a strict rule that she can’t text back within 5-10 minutes. She says it makes you look too eager. WTH? Sounds like a big waste of 5 minutes every time you want to respond to someone. You’re too old for senseless time-frame rules.
  • Stop showing up late on purpose. Fear of being the first one there…guess what, if everyone showed up on time it wouldn’t matter! Showing up half an hour late acting like you had something more important is an insult. Constantly running behind means you are lazy or just can’t manage time. Either way, you’re too old for this.By 22 you should be able to... (
  • RSVP. So here’s a scenario: a friend invites you to her house for movie night in 2 days. You’re waiting for something better to come along so you don’t answer her until a couple hours before the movie starts. Um, invite rescinded! People who extend invitations, no matter how casual, deserve a legitimate response. Constantly keeping plans ‘tentative’ while holding out for something better is selfish. Stop that.
  • Own a vacuum. By now you are living away from your parents, or getting ready to. Whether you share an apartment, rent a condo, whatever….being a grown up means owning grown-up things like a vacuum. Should probably also have non-plastic dishes and a bed frame by now.
  • Talk on the phone. In an age where teacher’s tweet the class, younger generations have a fear of speaking on the phone. It’s unnatural and all to personal for us. There is something so charming about having a landline phone and personally calling up a friend just to talk about the day. We should do this more.
  • Learn how to follow a recipe. (No the instructions on the mac n’ cheese box don’t count.) A lot of college meals consist of cheap pastas, frozen boxes or leftovers. Taking the time to cook an actual meal will be well worth it when you graduate and become a real self-sufficient adult who gets their nutrients and all that good stuff ;)

Healthy College girl (

So that’s my list. Did I forget anything? Do you agree?

About Stronglikemycoffee

College student-athlete committed to living healthy and happy. I want to share my recipes, fitness tips and silly stories with YOU! There's nothing like crushing goals and becoming stronger than you ever knew you could be.

Posted on January 22, 2015, in College, Healthy Lifestyle, Life Updates and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Kenzie, this is truly a GREAT post! You are and have always been mature beyond your years. It makes me extremely proud to see just how “grown up” you are. I love the fact that it comes so natural to you to take pride in your appearance – inside & out, your surroundings, and your overall character. You are a true treasure! The ‘basics’ listed should be just that……..basics that one who lives away from home should naturally own and practice. I’m sure this was an AH-HA moment for lots of upcoming graduates!!

  2. Haha. Love this post. I am happy to say that I have all of these down except the iron your clothes one. I go to my parents house if I ever need anything ironed. Lol buttt. I’m not 22 yet. I’ll get it together by this June ;) any big plans for your birthday. ?

  3. Love it, and second what “Kelly” wrote!!

  4. I completely agree with every single one! Especially learning how to follow a recipe. You can’t live off microwavable meals forever! Learning how to cook an actual meal is so important!

  5. I’d also add learning to mend your own clothes – Mum won’t always be available to do it for you, and you can save yourself a fortune by fixing things instead of replacing them. You can even save a fortune in fixing them YOURSELF, rather than taking them to somewhere that does alterations. Of course, some things need to be done by a professional (I’d personally recommend getting jeans done professionally, they look better then) but things like buttons, split pockets, and taking up regular pants can be done yourself, and it’s really not hard.

  6. You are a smart cookie!! 👍

  7. Reblogged this on Alice Brienne and commented:
    As a 19-year-old college freshman, I feel like if I start working towards some of these goals now, I will be better prepared to be a real adult when I graduate in 2018.

  1. Pingback: Healthy College Girl’s Back-to-School Guide | Strong Like My Coffee

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