Monthly Archives: May 2013

Power Breakfast Smoothie

Mornings around here start at 4:30am. Actually about 4:33, when the coffee pot finishes brewing ;) So far the 5am gym workouts have been going great! By the time I arrive at work, I’ve already been awake and active for hours and starving for breakfast! A healthy breakfast does more than quiet a growling tummy: it keeps you alert and focused, kick starts your metabolism and helps you say no to temptations like the break-room donut box. But you’ve heard all that before!

Yesterday’s breakfast-to-go was a homemade smoothie. Throw some fruit in a blender and you can’t go wrong:

Power Smoothie Recipe (

On this particular morning I did a strength workout, so protein was important. That came from the yogurt, spinach and flaxseed! Flax seed also contains Omega-3’s (the good fat) and fiber. Spinach adds some iron to mix, and cinnamon helps curb your appetite. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory! Basically, you can rest assured you’re getting a quality breakfast with these goodies in the blender. :)

*This smoothie combo is a favorite of mine from the original post here.

Bikes and BBQs

Every weekend should be a three-day weekend. So productive! The weather is gorgeous so my family definitely wanted to be outside. Monday morning began with a bike ride to the start of our city’s annual Memorial Day Motorcycle Ride. 7,000 motorcycles lined the street patriotically decked out (along with their riders) to honor our country’s veterans. At 9:11am they revved their engines and thousands of spectators lined the street to watch the parade.

Memorial Day Motorcycle Parade

Nothin’ says AMERICA like a 6′ 4” biker dude with a Fu Manchu and stars n stripes bandana.

My beach cruiser didn’t quite fit in. The piglet among the hogs… “Can I join your biker gang?”

Memorial Day Bike Ride ( the ride home, I ditched my bike and got in a decent run before heading out shopping (a true American pasttime!) . Yep, I already spent my first paycheck! Oops. I’ve been looking for a cute elephant necklace for a while. Yesterday Forever 21 came through!

Ellie necklace

Memorial Day weekend wouldn’t be complete without a BBQ. Guess what my dinner on the grill was? Hint: not a hamburger. Give up? Tofu! Trader Joe’s Sausageless Sausage to be exact. Don’t say ew, it was delicious and you couldn’t tell it was tofu. (Ha! Just like a regular hot dog…you can’t tell what it’s made of ;) )

Memorial Day DinnerYou wouldn’t even know this meal was vegan, would you!? I hope your long weekend was relaxing! It’s finally feeling like summer :)

Favorite thing to grill?

Mine is zucchini!

Breaking Out the Commuter Mug

Guess who’s psyched for her first real summer job? This girl! (and at 20 years old, it’s about dang time!) I’m turning into a grown up. Almost. Unless that means giving up my N’Sync t-shirt and using words like “nifty“…

Last week was full of relaxing, shopping, manicures, movies and lunch dates. A far cry from this week: in a matter of 24 hours I was interviewed, hired, and began training for an office position at my mom’s work!

First Day of Work (

Commuter mug full of coffee is an absolute must for the half-hour commute. I have my own cubicle, e-mail address, and I was pleasantly surprised to find the break room freshly stocked with a coffee & tea station. Afternoon caffeine fix….check!

This new schedule makes it a little tricky to get in my daily runs and strength workouts and I hope to get a blog in about workouts in a time crunch and packing healthy balanced lunches. I’ll be re-joining the ‘5:00am Club’ at the gym like I did in high school. Double days will require an additional workout in the evenings. Bring it! Sleep is for Sundays ;)