Monthly Archives: March 2016

Bachelorette Stir Fry

The name of this healthy recipe requires a little explanation.

My dad has a talent for taking random ingredients in the kitchen and throwing them together for an amazing dinner. He’s not really a recipe-follower. Before he married my mom, he had the stereotypical bachelor pad and one of his easy dinner go-to’s became dubbed the “Bachelor Stir Fry.”

Healthy Sweet Potato Hash Recipe  Breakfast or Dinner

Basically he would take leftover ingredients or random vegetables in the fridge (bell peppers, onions, etc.), dice up some russet potatoes, and mix in some type of meat and cook them all together in a frying pan. Sometimes he included eggs, making a breakfast hash. There is no real recipe, nothing specific, so every time came out a little differently.

Last night I cooked dinner for my dad and I, and came up with my own variation of his classic dish. A few healthy swaps here and there, and BAM – we have Bachelorette stir Fry.

Bachelorette Stir Fry Recipe  AKA sweet potato hash

My obsession with sweet potatoes has only grown stronger in the past five years, so I swapped out the russet potatoes for some orange yams. I also included Sprout’s Apple Chicken Sausage, along with yellow zucchinis, yellow and red bell peppers, onion, garlic, spices and my personal secret ingredient ;)

Sweet Potato Hash  Breakfast for Dinner

Okay okay I’ll share my secret – I added maple syrup! Just a table spoon so it didn’t overpower anything. I could subtly taste it on the sweet potatoes and it was delicious. This recipe is a lot sweeter than my dad’s usual mix, but I personally loved it and everyone went back for seconds. That always makes a girl feel good! :)

We topped our bowl with some avocado since it was lacking any green color. We could’ve also easily swapped in a green zucchini or a green bell pepper. Dishes like this are very flexible.

Bachelorette Stir Fry (Sweet Potato Hash)

  • 1.5 Tbs. olive oil
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 2 bell peppers, your choice of color
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 2 6oz. chicken sausage (I used French Apple Chicken from Sprouts)
  • 2 medium yams
  • 1 Tbs. black pepper
  • 1 heaping tablespoon minced garlic
  • generous pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1 Tbs. maple syrup (try to use the real stuff, not Aunt Jemimah.)
  • Optional avocado for garnish
  1. In a small skillet, cook the chicken sausages until browned. Let cool, then slice into 1/2″ thick circles. Set aside.
  2. Dice onion, bell peppers and zucchinis. Peel sweet potatoes and dice.
  3. In a large frying pan, heat olive oil. Add garlic for 30 seconds. Add in diced onion, bell pepper, zucchini and sweet potatoes. Stir to combine. Add in pepper, salt, and paprika. Cover with a lid on medium-low for 15 minutes until everything is very soft.
  4. Add in the chicken sausage and maple syrup. Stir to combine. Keep heat on low for another 5 minutes.
  5. Serve with avocado, ketchup, hot sauce, or whatever your favorite topping is. :)

Earlier this week, I re-joined the world of snapchat. (@kenzalyse) I thought it would be a fun way to share my relocation journey without bombarding Instagram and I felt like I was missing out on some of my friends’ fun stories :) so far the filters are my favorite part.

Strong Like My Coffee on Snapchat  kenzalyse

This morning I have a meeting with a realtor, a cycling class, and an iced coffee date. See you here next week! Xoxo.

The “Better Than Nothing” Mentality

Are you one of the thousands of people in jelly bean detox mode right now?! I saw some pretty spectacular Instagram pictures of espresso creations involving cadbury eggs this year….way to step up your Easter game, baristas! Although I was a little disappointed that they failed to take advantage of the OBVIOUS cutsie name – “EGGSPRESSO.” Hello!

Lately our HIIT workouts or 5am cardio sessions have been far and few between due to the stress and extra challenges that come with moving and relocating. As a personal trainer, I am not going to use these as excuses for slacking in the fitness department; we are responsible for prioritizing fitness and making healthy decisions regardless of our situation. However, in stressful moments I think it is more important to get good quality sleep than cramming in a cardio session. And this is where the “better than nothing” mentality comes in.

New Blog Post

A long day of chores and errands and stressful decisions can be mentally exhausting. Sometimes it zaps the energy and motivation to work out – or (if you’re like me) it makes anything with chocolate chips extra irresistible. Stress is an icky thing with countless mental, emotional and physical effects.

When you are REALLY not in the mood to workout, tell yourself than ANYTHING is better than nothing. A walk outside, a yoga video, a quick tabata core workout – even if it’s not the 6 mile run you are used to, there are multiple benefits to whatever short simple exercises you CAN squeeze in:

  • Exercise releases the “feel good” hormones and chemicals in your brain to combat the cortisol that is heightened during stressful times.
  • Physical activity helps with regulating sleep patterns and regulating the digestive system and blood sugar levels which directly affect your energy levels.
  • Exercise and increased oxygen consumption improves focus, concentration, and memory; it also has a positive impact on our mood.
  • Other obvious benefits include a decreased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stress-related diseases.

photo 1(17)

I’ve been doing a lot of walking lately. This low-intensity steady state cardio isn’t exactly a “calorie crusher” but it’s so nice to be outside seeing the spring scenery and blooming trees, breathing fresh air, feeling peaceful and listening to good music or podcasts. Dawn is one of my favorite times of the day to be outside (that and “golden hour” at dusk). A few fellow bloggers have raved about a couple podcasts, so I listened to “Happier” for a couple miles this morning before being a little more productive for the day.

This weekend included an enormous amount of spring cleaning, with an equally enormous amount of coffee. A friend of mine from college is a Starbucks barista and decided to treat us to a “traditional Starbucks tasting” to break in her new french press. The coffee bean blend apparently pairs well with chocolate, citrus, and honey. Guess which one we chose….

French Press Starbucks Tasting

(We had a sample of chocolate-covered almonds & chocolate covered “powerberries” from Trader Joe’s, which are made with acai, blueberry and other berry juices covered in dark chocolate!)

In addition to our french press coffee sample, I also added the new carmalized honey flavor at Starbucks to my iced americano and it is my NEW FAVORITE. I’ve been on Team Sugar-Free Cinnamon Dolce for a few years now, but I might have to mix it up. I asked for just 2 pumps in a Venti and it was plenty! (<–unintentional rhymes make me happy!)

Spring Parfait  Stronglikemycoffee.comA fun few days full of visits and “goodbyes” before my move to Idaho included some oreos, some ice cream, and some Easter candy. So we hop back on track with healthy whole foods today! BALANCE, right!?

What is your favorite stress-reliever? (Healthy or not healthy…..because Ben n’ Jerry’s would totally be on the top of my list!)

Unemployed Life – Pancakes and Packing

Good morning! I’m coming to the end of my SECOND week of being “unemployed.” I had been  interning with a company during my last two years of school at Northern Arizona University, and after I graduated they offered me a full time job. I became an associate buyer at the corporate headquarters of a national food manufacturing company in Southern California – a desk job with lots of spreadsheets, emails and computer functions that was not related to my major {marketing} and didn’t include a lot of interaction with anyone else. Feeling like I was in the wrong job for me was a huge motivator to follow through with relocating….which I’m doing in a few short days{!!} Quitting my job was the first step to starting new in Boise. But I had two full weeks between my last day of work and driving to Boise to enjoy #unemployedlife.

Move tree quote

Like I said yesterday, packing up my room uncovered some real treasures including $13 worth of change which I immediately cashed in for a Starbucks gift card. I bribed myself (or maybe I was just stalling?) to clean my car before her big road trip with a jolt of caffeine. Iced Americano with sugar-free cinnamon, always.

Boise Bound

I’m constantly reminding myself that my days in Southern California are numbered (not sad about it). Of course I’m trying to be as productive as possible but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take total advantage of eating my lunches outside picnic-style, drinking my first cup of coffee in bed, and being a little more elaborate with my snack creations.

Protein Pancake Breakfast

Prime example: this morning I decided to attempt my very first PROTEIN PANCAKES. We have two full containers of chocolate and vanilla protein powders and I’m trying to use up what’s left in cupboards. The recipes on Pinterest seem easy enough, and I just stocked up on fresh berries yesterday sooo I took my iced Starbucks treat to the kitchen and I totally would have worn my apron if it weren’t already packed in my stack of boxes ;)

Cinnamon Vanilla Protein Pancakes - stronglikemycoffee.comI rarely ever use protein powder these days, since my workouts have cut down drastically since last November. I’m slowly easing back into running and strength training now that my medical situation and hectic schedule have calmed down, but I don’t feel like I need to supplement my protein intake with a powder – I get plenty of it from real food! (I tried adding some to hot oats the other day and it was terrible!)

I have to get used to photographing all of my dishes again before devouring them, now that the blog is back full force :)

Super Bowl Sunday Study Snack (

My reading material with breakfast: blog posts about moving out-of-state and tips for relocating. I learned a few tips and tricks, although my move is a little easier since my parents are also relocating to Idaho and have taken care of all of the furniture and apartment details. I’m actually already registered at the nearest gym and signed up for the local weekly running club! Mostly I am just filled with excitement and anticipation for what the future holds. Something about the uncertainty of my life in Idaho is THRILLING. There is literally nothing but opportunity to create whatever life I want for myself (with a lot of hard work). Boise is one of the fittest communities in the country and I know that I will feel at home very soon :)

Enjoy your weekends! And please feel free to share any of your relocating/moving tips in the comments section!